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The AEWA Lesser White-fronted Goose International Working Group


So-called AEWA International Single Species Working Groups are being established under the framework of selected AEWA Single Species Action Plans. These Working Groups are the inter-governmental bodies responsible for coordinating and guiding the implementation of the International Single Species Action Plans, consisting of representatives from all range states covered by the Action Plan in question.

The AEWA Lesser White-fronted Goose International Working Group

The AEWA Lesser White-fronted Goose International Working Group (LWfG IWG) was convened by the UNEP/AEWA Secretariat in 2009 and consists of appointed representatives from the 22 countries identified as range states for the species in the Single Species Action Plan for the Lesser White-fronted Goose. Each range state has been requested to designate two representatives to the group: one national focal point representing a government organization or institution and one national expert who can also be from an NGO or research institution. The appointed representatives are subsequently expected to lead on the implementation of Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation measures in their respective countries.

In addition, the range states have confirmed the following international organizations as observers to the Working Group: BirdLife International, the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC), the Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the European Union (FACE), Wetlands International and the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT). The observers to the group provide valuable advice and expertise to the range states as well as the UNEP/AEWA Secretariat - both during the meetings of the Working Group and in the inter-sessional periods.

The work of the group is guided by Terms of Reference which were adopted at the 1st Working Group Meeting which took place in late 2010 in Helsinki, Finland.